Youth Press and Development Organisation

fighting Poverty HIV/AIDS through sustainable means  

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Goal #1 To provide secondary school graduates with training in secretarial-, ICT- and internet surfing skills.
Goal #2 To provide training for those people who have never attended school, who are keen to learn more in ICT.
Goal #3 To target researchers and teachers who have not had prior access to ICT facilities. Besides the increased potential to address sustainable development and self-reliance, more informed teachers will be more beneficial to youth and children.
Goal #4 ATP targets 2000 youths and vulnerable individuals as a pilot scheme out of a wider projection of 10,000 individuals. Of the target 3000, 80% are orphans with the following backgrounds:
  • Aged 8 or above.
  • Both young girls and boys (the emphasis of gender equality provides a stage for participation in community development).
  • An average family of six monthly incomes totaling approximately $20.
  • About 60% of the youths do not attend school due to economic and financial constraints as most of these youths are forced to look after themselves